Is it possible to export Confluence table of contents into excel?

YC December 6, 2021

I am required to export the table of contents for our confluence page into a index flow structure in excel. Is it possible to just fully export the entire table of contents rather than writing it out word for word?



2 answers

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Bill Bailey
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December 6, 2021

Good Lord, Is this a managment request? What is wrong with a bulleted list?

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Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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December 6, 2021

@YC are you referring to an entire space's page index, or a page that has the Table of Contents macro embedded in it? I have pasted an image below depicting both. The answer will be similar based on the choice, but not the same...

Let me know so I can try to point you in the right direction.



YC December 6, 2021

Hi there,


I am trying to export the entire page's space index, so the marked section on the left would be correct. I would like to it be appropriately mapped within an excel spreadsheet, perhaps like this:


Using your example

Level 1Level 2Level 3  
2020 Service Leadership meeting    
 Confluence Coffee CornerTesting Confluence Options   
 Confluence KB Links and Articles   



Thank you

YC December 7, 2021

hey Andy, would really appreciate a solution. cheers

Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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December 7, 2021

@YC I was experimenting last night with different ideas. 

One was exhorting the space as .xml, and extracting the page tree. That was pretty laborious and did not produce the results I desired. 

I also tried using the Page Tree macro to create a listing on a single page of all of the pages in the space, and export that to Microsoft Word, but it only brings in the page title since the output is just coming from a Macro.

The best output actually came from creating the macro as mentioned above, and then expanding the entire page tree, copying and pasting in to Excel. 

Dirty, ugly, but accomplishes the goal. 

I have not been able to find a better method. Yet.

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YC December 8, 2021

thank you for your help

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