Is it possible to configure Confluence forms to use varying Jira projects based on user's selection

Akash L November 16, 2022

Our team uses Confluence forms for users to request services. So far, the forms are integrated with a single project ('AAA' below). We have multiple projects, so is it possible to configure the forms to use a different project based on the value a user selects on the form? Is there a way to add a selection for a particular project?


For example, this is the configuration of one of our forms:


On the code, it seems to be that the project value is hard-coded. Is there a way to have it be dynamic based on a user's selection?

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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November 16, 2022

Hi @Akash L  and welcome to this community

This seems to be a question about ConfiForms (i have added the corresponding label, but correct me if I am wrong)

You can create Jira issues conditionally, based on the condition you set in the form's IFTTT rules. Which means you can have different IFTTTs that execute based on the data you submit and create issues in different projects

Also the project mapping can be dynamic if needed (use [entry.feldname] notation)... does not have to be static

Hope it answers your question


Akash L February 7, 2023

Is it possible to provide an example snippet of code that achieves this dynamic project selection functionality?

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