Integrate Microsoft Project in Confluence

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July 4, 2019

We are searching for our company the possibility to integrate Microsoft Project into Confluence. Is this possible?

There is a plugin (Ceptah Bridge) which is able to do this. The disadvantage is that this plugin is only for Jira. Could we integrate this plugin in Confluence?


We are using Confluence Server and Microsoft Project Professional 2016.


Thanks for helping.

2 answers

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Takafumi Ohtake -Ricksoft-
Atlassian Partner
November 24, 2022

Hi everyone,

Gantt Chart Planner for Confluence supports MS Project file import now.
You can import your mpp file into Confluence pages with it.
I hope it helps your collaboration using MS Project and Confluence.

Please see this article for more details.

(Please note that I'm one of the folks behind the vendor of the app.)

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Jack Brickey
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July 2, 2021

No there is no such integration that I have ever seen. To be honest I struggle with the value of such and while maybe you do see the value I would not expect that the masses do. Companies don’t develop apps unless there is high demand generally.

Michael Vognsen Nielsen September 1, 2021

This answer doesn't make sense. Obviously companies don't develop apps unless there's demand for it - but what does that have to do with being able to see and integrate with MS Project in documentation (Confluence)?

Jack Brickey
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September 1, 2021

Hi @Michael Vognsen Nielsen ,

I am sorry if my answer does not make sense here. Maybe consider my answer as more of a response to the user’s post. Let me break it down a bit and clarify here. Too, the fact that my response was not accepted as an answer might suggest that @Lukas_Hoos agrees with you. 😉

Response - I am unaware of any such integration between MS Project and Confluence 

Request for more info - I don’t understand the requirements of what you seek to gain by this integration. Could you please explain your actual goals as there may be a different solution or approach.

Editorial - I don’t understand the benefit of integrating confluence with Microsoft project. I have not seen the demand within the Community. But again I need more information to understand the desired outcome. Regarding my last statement, I was trying to convey that marketplace vendors are focused on creating products that are in high demand to ensure their revenue stream is strong. Again this is more of an editorial based on my product development experience.

I hope this clears things up for you or future members searching for an answer.


Brandon Monahan
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February 18, 2022

I know this is an old post, but here is a scenario where this would be value add.  


Project Status Reviews are heavy on PowerPoint, which contributes to subjectivity.  I could see the power of creating a Confluence template for Project Status Reviews and create a custom Confluence Macro that can tap into the Microsoft Dataverse and pull in a objective schedule view within the confluence template.


Does this make sense?



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Megan Snape
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August 4, 2023

I can clarify the use as was hoping for the same thing.

MS project charges an expensive license per account holder and not everyone who would like to see the details of a project needs to be a license holder.

A live integration (as opposed to one off import) allows key dates to be surfaced to project members from one central source controlled by the PM. If project dates change, they are altered at source and don't need editing across the confluence site.

Key dates include kick off dates, deadlines, workshops, sprint dates etc.

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