Inserting multiple links to one image in Confluence

Simon Jackson
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July 21, 2011

I am setting up a Wiki in Confluence v3.5.1
I have added a visio diagram (JPG) to a page (this diagram will take up most of the page)
- This diagram depicts the workflow between developers and support and clients.

I envisage users being able to click on different parts of the diagram and it to open up child pages with more details about that particular process (with videos on 'how-to' do that specific task, like log issues in Jira)

However, from what I can see, there is no way from the Confluence editor to add multiple links to the one image, right? I looked at Anchors, but this does not look like it will do the job.

So, what is the best option?

I remember Dreamweaver having these sorts of tools built in, and there appears to be other utilities that can help put in image map HTML tags, but I cannot see a way of easily editing the HTML in Confluence editor.

Also worried about the headache this could cause with managing future changes of the page.

6 answers

2 votes
Nils Bier _K15t_
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May 7, 2018

Hi everyone,

I just stumbled across this thread and wanted to give you an update on the ImageMap app Stefan mentioned.

We've released a new version of this app two years ago. Now you can easily draw your imagemaps on the image itself via the UI. There's no need to calculate any coordinates; simply draw the clickable area, link it, save the imagemap and you're ready to go.

Please feel free to evaluate the new version via the Atlassian Marketplace: Scroll ImageMap for Confluence


2 votes
Renjith Pillai
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July 24, 2011

The easiest workaround, is to split the images in multiple images and include each of them with a link. Isn't that easy. A The simple mspaint (in Windows of course) will do the job to split the images.

1 vote
Stefan Kohler
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July 21, 2011

Jim is refering to the ImageMap plugin :

I can confirm that the plugin works on Confluence 3.5.5, although it doesn't say so on the plugin page.

Only downside of the plugin is that you need to figure out the coordinates for the image map but tools such as are making that a little bit easier :)

    {map:link=[1. Geschäftliches Umfeld und Auswirkungen analysieren]|coords=120,193,224,261|target="_blank"}
    {map:link=[2. Businesslösung definieren]|shape=circle|coords=300,300,150|title='A beautifull hint-text'}
    {map:link=[3. Infrastruktur designen und planen]|shape=rect|coords=257,174,363,233}
    {map:link=|coords=115,98,225,155|title='Jump to google!'}
0 votes
Joerg Bencke
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April 18, 2012

BEWARE - Chrome says the "UTILITIES" Link leads to a site with malware on it. proceed at your own risk

0 votes
Nishadha Silva April 18, 2012

I think Renjith has give the easiest solution. No need to bother with setting up cordinations etc.

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Jim Birch
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July 21, 2011

You want something like this:

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