Insert a table from another page

Martin Peralta
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September 25, 2018

Hi there, I am creating a Confluence page, and I saw that there is a macro that allows you to insert a page already existing, within your current page. But I failed to see if there is any possibility to insert only a table from that external page (the external page is also a confluence page). I tried using anchor links but the macro does not recognize them. Any idea? Thanks! 

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Ryan Fish
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September 25, 2018

@Martin Peralta

Try Table Excerpt and Table Excerpt Include. They are dynamic references to the original table/ page.



Martin Peralta
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September 25, 2018

That worked just smoothly! thank you very much :) 

Bill Bailey
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September 26, 2018

@Ryan Fish, looking at the documentation, this seems to only work with reference a table on the same page.


You will be able to reference the marked table by inserting the Table Excerpt Include macro (on the same page only) and entering the specified unique name.

Is that correct?

Andrey Khaneev _StiltSoft_
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September 26, 2018

Yes, that's correct, @Bill Bailey. You can use Excerpt and Excerpt Include macros in order to include tables from other pages.

Bill Bailey
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September 26, 2018

OK, good idea to update the docs, then. ;-)

Matthew Howard
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August 9, 2021

I do not see "Table Excerpt" as a selectable or searchable option. I only see Excerpt. Using regular Excerpt does not seem to work, I lose my table formatting when copying it into the Excerpt area.

Andrey Khaneev _StiltSoft_
Rising Star
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August 9, 2021

@Matthew Howard, you need to install the Table Filter and Charts app to get the Table Excerpt macro.

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