Incorrect information for setting up NTLM auth

Florian Schmitz July 26, 2018


your page seems to be outdated.

You are linking to an NTLM plugin multiple times which doesn't seem to exist (server timeout):

I don't see a plugin with this name on the marketplace manually either.

What is your current "default" plugin for NTLM authentication? My guess would be

2 answers

1 vote
Ed Letifov _TechTime - New Zealand_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 6, 2019

Yes, EasySSO is the only plugin on Marketplace that provides NTLMv2, Kerberos, SAML, X.509 and header-based authentication i.e. "5-in-1".

This gives your Solution Architects choice. Granted, the main application of this is that when one configures Kerberos they must configure NTLMv2 as well and then the browsers are able to fallback to NTLMv2 if Kerberos is impossible - which happens more often then one would think, if various enterprise/hairy scenarios are taken into account e.g. VPN.

Still, we have clients who use us with Windows built-in 2FA (e.g. CAC cards), including biometric 2FA (e.g. finger prints/iris scans/spy stuff), with various proxies doing something arcane in front of the Atlassian application and then passing identity via our headers-based authenticators, with mobile devices pre-loaded with Kerberos profiles and working via mobile management gateway and feeding identity to us as a certificate generated on-the-fly via our X.509 authenticators, and mixed environments where SAML and NTLM/Kerberos authenticators work together.

So, do try us.

Our support is 24x7 - if you can't make it work, we will.

0 votes
Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 26, 2018

Hi Florian,

That article was for Crowd 2.10 and I see from this Community post that add-on hasn't been available since Confluence 4.0.

Have a look at the thread I linked above for some suggestions on what to use instead.

In addition, the add-on you linked is the only one available on the Marketplace that seems to work with NTLM so I would encourage you to give it a try.



Florian Schmitz July 26, 2018

I don't know what "Crowd" is and the article doesn't even mention it. I think you should make it easier for new customers to determine the relevance of that article.

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 27, 2018

Hi Florian,

I can see how it's easy to miss, but you can see from the URL of the article as well as the breadcrumbs that it's a part of our Crowd documentation. Crowd is our identity management product. 

At any rate, it's still relevant for you because it has to do with linking to Confluence, but an older version. 

I hope that clarifies things for you! Just let me know if you have any further concerns.



Florian Schmitz July 27, 2018

Yes, it is indeed easy to miss and I'd fall for it again any time. Also it's not necessary to keep the dead links, making someone wait for the timeout isn't very user friendly. I still see the need for fixing the docs. Not for me, but the next one who searches for confluence+ntlm (consider the fact that this article is the top Google search result).

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 27, 2018


I've submitted the request to remove the document below:

Please feel free to watch it in order to be updated of any changes. Also, by voting on it, we can help collect data on how many users have been troubled by this article. Commenting on it as well will go directly to the team involved.



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