The new page is getting opened when I click on remove option from multi select dropdown in macro configuration edit, option is getting removed, tried by adding prevent default function but it is not working.
By following way I bind data to the dropdown using jquery and javascript.
OkrProgressChartMacro.prototype.beforeParamsSet = function(selectedParams, macroSelected) {
if (selectedParams['prog-chart-status'] && selectedParams['prog-chart-statusName']) {
var statusData = JSON.parse(selectedParams['prog-chart-status']).map(function(id, index) {
return { id: id, text: JSON.parse(selectedParams['prog-chart-statusName'])[index] };
$('#macro-param-prog-chart-status').select2('data', statusData);
As we can see in above image when I click on remove 'Test3' option it will open new page with following URL
am I doing anything here please suggest any solution for this.
Note: If I add timeout to set the dropdown data then it is working as expected.
Mahesh Muglikar