Images not displaying for customers

Mark.Hunt-Bryden September 13, 2022

Hi, I have many pages created by the legacy editor. When viewing through a customer account the attachments (not copy and pasted) do not display in the portal and appear broken.

When viewing with a confluence user account the images display as they should.

When recreating the page in the new editor images display.

I have many, many pages and desperately don't want to convert and rebuild these pages.

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Brant Schroeder
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September 13, 2022

@Mark.Hunt-Bryden Welcome to the Atlassian community

Are you saying that a public page is not displaying the image but you can see it when logged into Confluence?  

Mark.Hunt-Bryden September 13, 2022

Hi Brant, that's exactly what is happening.
Internal Confluence users can see the pages as they are created, but customers that have been added cannot see the images on the portal.

Mark.Hunt-Bryden September 14, 2022

Customer Account.png

Mark.Hunt-Bryden September 14, 2022

Confluence User Account.png

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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September 14, 2022

@Mark.Hunt-Bryden Can you confirm that the images are on that page and not somewhere else in your instance?  Where these pages moved?  If they were the images might be referenced in a space that is not public making them not public as well.

Mark.Hunt-Bryden September 14, 2022

They are attached to the pages, not copied from elsewhere. They are on the same space as new editor pages that are visible. If I convert them from Legacy Editor to New Editor the pictures become visible.

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