I want to randomly display articles in a space.

Fukuyama chinatsu July 9, 2023

I would like to randomly display articles uploaded in a space on the top page of the space, if there is a way to do this.

2 answers

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Urs Hess January 4, 2024

I would like that, too.
We are learning to work properly with a Mac as a team and I would like to feature a useful trick or feature every day. I'd love it if a random sub-page was selected every day and displayed on a dashboard, for example.

0 votes
Aslan Bennington-Barr
July 9, 2023

There don't appear to be any native Confluence Cloud macros for showing a random article in the space.

Here is a macro project related to this issue which seems to work pretty well: https://info.seibert-media.net/display/DOC/Random+Page

Fukuyama chinatsu July 10, 2023

thank you.

Fukuyama chinatsu July 13, 2023

Confluence Can't I use user macros in the cloud version? Is there a way to use them?

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