I want to give a page name Overview to the page tree.It is not actually a page to be linked with. ?

Meenakshi R
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November 5, 2018

I have a space assuming Networking. I have created five pages for the Networking. As I create these pages, I see these pages listed as pages under the Networking Space in the Page tree. However, I would like to add Overview page to the Navigation. The overview is not actually a page. I don't want links to it as it is not a page. I just want to add the title Overview to my page tree in the Networking Space. Under the Overview, I would like to arrange those five pages. 

When I do it, it is showing Overview as a separate page and links are activated like any other regular page. I am trying to just add the title page Overview.

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Davin Studer
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November 5, 2018

That is not how Confluence works. All the items in the nav tree are pages and thus have links. There is no way to have a section in the nav tree that is simply a organizational unit without being a page.

Meenakshi R
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November 5, 2018


Thank you so much for responding. I would like to share a link here. Please view it. In this page, you can see the tree on the left pane, where Overview is not linked to any page. Clicking on Overview, child page is accessible. I am trying to replicate the exact same pattern here. If you could see to it and figure out, it would be helpful for me in my project.

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