I do not like the new UI. How can I keep having the classic UI

Tor Stefa Lura
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October 6, 2020

I really do not like the new UI. It is trying to imitate the other "modern" wiki solutions. The classic confluence UI was for me perfect. An wiki with a bit more features, lightweight with some extras. Not word / sharepoint.


The main problem for me with the new UI is this.

  1. Horizontal screen space. - I want to be able to use all of my moitors screen space. Not have useless whitespace at the sides.
  2. Super slow - The old UI was really quick to render on screen. New UI is superslow and it is annoying. 
  3. [ shortcut for creating new pages directly from where you stand in the article does not longer work. Now you have to fiddle and faff about to make a new page.

But the main issue - I want to use _ALL_ of available screenspace in my article. We have _HUGE_ monitors. I want to use it! 


So, we run self hosted. And I want to upgrade to the lastet proper confluence version, so I wonder at which version number did Atlassian change to the other UI. How long will confluence support the classic UI?

I really like confluence, the classic UI was really good! Some minor bugs. Fast to render, and fast to work in with the short-cuts.

But not with this new UI. Its a new product now. Its like sharepoint now. Slow and cramped.

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Atlassian Team
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October 13, 2020

Hello @Tor Stefa Lura !

I saw that you mentioned the fact that “So, we run self hosted” but your major issues seem to be pointed at the Confluence Cloud platform, not the Self-hosted one.

For example, in Confluence Cloud we can now create content by pressing C in our keyboard if shortcuts are enabled.

Here is a screenshot of it:

Screen Shot 2020-10-13 at 13.38.26.png


And here is our documentation on Shortcuts for the Confluence Cloud platform:


As @Manon Soubies-Camy  mentioned, we can set the Editor to use our whole screen if we desire. Here is how:


I still have a question about “How long will confluence support the classic UI?” When you say classic UI, what exactly is meant by that?

Are you referencing this:




Or this:


Let us hear from you!

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Manon Soubies-Camy
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October 7, 2020

Hi @Tor Stefa Lura and welcome to Community!

Have you tried clicking on this button to make page full-width?

Capture d’écran 2020-10-07 à 17.43.47.png

Hope this helps,

- Manon

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