I am using confluence to create often used pages. The page has an IFTTT for emailing

Butch_Richards March 14, 2024

when it creates the page it drops the fields  I want to  use in the created page 

the below section is in the code on create 

Thanks for your decision of [entry.decision.label]. Here are the details: 

  • Position: [entry.position.label]
  • Environment [entry.environment.label]
  • Decision: [entry.decision.label]
  • #if(${riskFactors}) Risk Factors [entry.riskFactors] #end

If there are any conditional approval factors they will be below 


I need fields like "[entry.position.label]" need to remain when the page is generated. is there a wrapper I can put on this to not have them remove on the created page?



2 answers

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
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March 15, 2024

So, you want expressions on the page to remain as expressions when you create a Confluence page using ConfiForms?

Try using asEntryRef wrapping function


For example

  • Position: [entry.id.asEntryRef(entry.position.label)]


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Butch_Richards March 14, 2024

Ok what I had to do is make read only fields for what i wanted enterd for the email and make tham have the value I will want on the created page it carries over 


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