I am trying to manually archive some pages. Don't see the Archive option in More details.

Liz Cronin
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September 11, 2020

I don't want to archive the whole space, just some pages, but there is no option Archive in the More details menu.

3 answers

1 vote
Tamas Baglyas September 13, 2020

Hi @Liz Cronin,

Archiving could mean more things. The Space Archiving mostly means the whole content pile under the space being unindexed, but reachable with direct links. You can read about more for here: Archive a Space
Page archiving isn't a "real" thing in Confluence. You can change the Page Restriction to hide content(s) for others, but it isn't archiving, more like hiding.
Depending on, how do you imagine Archiving a 3rd party app would be good for you, like Midori's Better Content Archiving for Confluence
A little bit expensive app, but it's good stuff, with good support. And the archiving option is more usable like playing with Page Restriction.
In brief; you can set a view or edit obsoletion timer, or mark pages to move them to an archived space automatically. @Levente Szabo _Midori_ or others from Midori could give you more info about this app.


0 votes
Lisa Steffen April 3, 2023

It sounds like your site administrator needs to turn archiving on for your space. I am experiencing the same thing. I had archiving in place on the last team I was on for the space, but now am an admin in an alternate space and it's not enabled. 

This page has details on how the site admin can turn on the permissions for your space: https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/archive-pages/ 

Go to the section "To assign space-level archive permissions"

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Joshua Sneed Contegix
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September 11, 2020

Hi Liz,

Check out Atlassian's Confluence: Archiving page. It suggests Page Restrictions for archiving. Cheers!

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