I am having trouble editing space shortcuts - any ideas of what I am doing wrong?

Susan Randall May 30, 2018

I have followed this and still can't seem to work it out- is "space tools" now "space settings"?


Try this out:

  1. Choose Space tools > Configure sidebar from the bottom of the sidebar (or the cog menu if your sidebar is collapsed)
  2. Add a space shortcut by clicking +Add link
    Shortcuts can be to Confluence pages or spaces, or to any other content on the web. Try linking to this blog post, which mentions Teams in Space (we're always after a plug at Teams in Space HQ!)

You can also hide things – like the space's blog – in the sidebar, if they're of no use in the space.

The sidebar is pretty easy, right? You'll be schooling those recruits in no time. Next up: Impress them with your knowledge of keyboard shortcuts.

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Manon Soubies-Camy
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May 30, 2018

Hello Susan,

Is this page the documentation you're following? If so, it is intended for Confluence Server and not for Confluence Cloud:


I could not find the related documentation for Confluence Cloud, but here is how you can add a shortcut to your space sidebar:

  • Hover on the sidebar, a pen button should appear. Click on it to edit:



  • Then you just click on "Add shortcut" to configure it
  • Click on Done to save

Hope this helps,

- Manon

Susan Randall May 31, 2018

YES! Thank-you so much, I found the pen :)

Manon Soubies-Camy
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May 31, 2018

Glad it helped! :)

Wade Sturman
September 27, 2019

Hey @Manon Soubies-Camy , I am following this article (not cloud, but server), and I still don't know how to edit space shortcuts. 

- It doesn't seem to appear in any of the Space Tools. Would you able to help me find this? 


Nevermind Found it!

Thank yoU!

Adam T. Kowal
October 9, 2019


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Nina Marshall January 13, 2021

In confluence cloud the pencil appears.  You can add the link and title click add shortcut and save.  However the shortcut doesn't appear.  Why would this happen? 

Kuncoro Wicaksono
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November 13, 2021

Make sure you click "Add shortcut" first before you click "Save" button

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Kimberly Betty July 10, 2020

Hi- we have a similar issue. But the pen doesn't show up for a user who we believe should be able to edit the shortcuts. What might cause this?

Kuncoro Wicaksono
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 13, 2021

I think that happens because you are not the admin. Somehow I have the same problem, but after using my admin roles, the pen showed up.

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