
Michael Ruddy August 7, 2018

I have a problem stemming from an apostrophe ( ‘ ) in the hyperlink. When I publish (or preview the link) it is not a recognized hyperlink. If I remove the apostrophe and preview or publish the hyperlink is valid but that isn't a possible solution considering it would make the address incorrect. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 7, 2018

' is not a valid character in a hyperlink in its raw form.  You need to encode it with a %27, but it's strongly recommended that you do not use software that tries to use ' as part of a url.

Michael Ruddy August 7, 2018

Thanks Champion! How do I encode it with %27?

The link is actually to something within our company so it's safe.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 7, 2018

Doesn't matter if it's "safe", it's not a valid url, so a lot of software will reject or choke on it.  It's wrong, and the application presenting it is broken.

To "encode" a character, in most cases you can simply swap the incorrect character for the encoded string for it.  So if you're pasting "http://brokenby'link/thing" in as the link, you need to type "http://brokenby%27link/thing"

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