How to use the decision Macro

Safa rekik March 15, 2023

Dear Confluence team,

I tried to read the documentation of the decision macro, but honestly I am not sure I understood it correctly.

I already created some pages and inserted decisions to them. But I don't know from where I can generate the decision report. I tried to look at the interface but I got no clue.

I read a warning saying that this feature is only available for the new editing experience, but could not figure out how to check what is the new editing experience.

Thanks a lot for your support!

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March 15, 2023

Hi @Safa rekik as the documentation you linked states:

The ability to add decisions to pages is only available when pages use the new editing experience. Therefore, the macro to aggregate the decisions is only available in the new experience.

So you must be using the new experience if you added decisions to pages already, so the decision report macro should work also.

You'll need to add the decision report macro to a page, and after publishing the page you'll see the generated report of your decisions on that page. Follow the step-by-step instructions from that documentation and I think you'll be all set. 

Safa rekik March 16, 2023

Hi Connor,

Thanks for your Quick response. Yes it works now!

In fact I had a confusion between the decision macro and the decision report macro. I was expecting some button in the space level to generate the report.

Thanks again!

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Chris H September 22, 2023

Hello I am also having trouble finding "decision report" can you help me undertand? I am not sure what a new experience is

Safa rekik October 9, 2023

Hi chris,

Of course, I would be glad to assist :)

The first short answer is that you won't find any decision report unless you have already generate one using the decision report macro. To do so you have to:

  • Have one or more confluence pages where you already inserted decision macro and published them
  • Create another confluence page that will serve as a report and insert a "decision report" macro, and just like by magic, you will have all your decisions summarized in one single table ;) 

I have attached an example where I creates a report for the decisions made in two other pages "Meeting report 1" and "Meeting report 2" , hope it is clear now, do not hesitate to ask further questions .decisionMacro.PNG

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