How to set up a suggestion forum in Confluence?

Nathan Meffert October 19, 2015

I want to create a forum for our employees to use to submit improvement ideas in every area of the business.

Ideally, there would be subforums for areas like "Administration", " Manufacturing", "Projects",
"Maintenance", "Human Resources", etc.

Employees would have the ability to ask a question or to make a suggestion and managers and other employees could comment on those threads.

Threads should therefore be categorizable (and searchable) by operational area, topic tags, and post type (comment or suggestion).

How would I do this? I'm considering that this should be it's own space in Confluence (separate from our training and operating procedures site, for example).

Thanks in advance!

3 answers

2 votes
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 19, 2015

There are a number of add ons that mimic forums:

Why not use Confluence Questions just like this site does?


Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 20, 2015

Or bung them in JIRA so you've got more clever reporting and a workflow. (Actually, I'd continue with the forum idea in Confluence as it's better for fleshing out ideas, then you can use the select-right-click to create batches of JIRA issues when you're sure you've got a good task list)

1 vote
Marco Friedmann October 20, 2015

you could use the metadata macro in combination with a page template if a flat Forum would be ok with you. It would Show you a table with the columns you defined and the number of likes and comments

0 votes
Anuj B April 10, 2019

You could use Issue Collector in JIRA for this, and plugin the html/js script in your webpage. The end user can submit a bug or improvement that automatically creates an issue of a pre-defined issuetype in your designated project's backlog.

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