How to search for content within Spaces of a certain category??

Vishal January 20, 2019

I want to be able to provide a search for our department of Confluence content within a group of Spaces. I though that having the categories set for these spaces (to 'dcx') would allow me to make a search on those lines, so I have created a Livesearch macro for this. However category cannot be chosen. 

Instead I then choose to create a search within specific Space Keys, but this does not seem to work. Can this field only contain one value? I have tried by listing multiple spaces, separated by comma, and also by semicolon, but the search does not seem to limit the search to these Spaces.

Please provide me with an option so make a search with a set group of Spaces.

2 answers

1 vote
Tobias Anstett _K15t_
Rising Star
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January 20, 2019

Hi @Vishal ,

Confluence bundled macros are limited to a single space.

However if you are also fine using the full search and some CQL you can provide a link to your search action e.g.


will preconfigure the full search to only search in spaces with the label/category test.

Beside that there are some Atlassian Marketplace apps which bundle macros to directly search using CQL - Script Runner for Confluence is one of them.

Best, Tobias

0 votes
Mario Carabelli
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 20, 2019

Unfortunately the livesearch macro can only be restricted to one space.

I think you need an extra app, like scriptrunner to make tgis possible.

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