How to remove the Owned and Last updated by.

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November 3, 2023

I am new to Confluence and took over created items under our training group.

Some of the content is set to public view and there is at the top an area that shows the owner and the person that last updated. Which is me. 

ESS head.png

Is there a way to have this removed or hid when on public view? So, people don't see my name. 

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Andy Gladstone
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November 5, 2023

@Robb.Heidelmeier the owned and updated header information is an attribute that is built into the page and cannot be removed when a page is public. While other parts of the navigation are hidden or removed, knowing when a page was updated, by whom, and who owns it is part of the core experience - even when posted publicly.

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November 6, 2023

Thank you Andy!!

James Eadie
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January 22, 2024

I would disagree that for external viewer this is not part of the core experience. If I am  a client and after information for a product I do not care who last edited it.

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Gray, Martin
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May 4, 2024

I agree with James Eadie. I, as the author of a page, should have control over the experience that I want for the consumers of that page. Atlassian should be more concerned about the paying customers (many of which are page authors) experience with their product and less concerned about what my "customers" experience.

A compromise could be to allow the author to control how that information is presented, at the bottom of the page instead of the top, through a "hover" link, etc.

The header information feature, itself, is not what is in question here. The feature that is in question is that the page author is not allowed any control over the display of that page header. Is that a valuable feature of the tool? My vote is "no".

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