How to receive email notification with created ConfiForm Confluence form?

August 3, 2022

I have created a form in Confluence for people, a request form and I just want my colleagues and myself to receive a notification by email anytime someone submits the form. I did try using ConfiForms IFTTT integration rules macro but still not receiving an email. How can I get notification by email that a request form was submitted?



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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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August 3, 2022

Hi @Loren 

Could you please share what configuration do you have?

Especially for ConfiForms IFTTT macro...

Have you seen this tutorial - ?

(for ConfiForms cloud, as this is how you tagged your question)


August 4, 2022

I did review the tutorial. I created a functional form with ConfiForms Form definition and the field definitions.

And I used ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations control and Confi Forms Field, that part is working.

However the IFTTT part isn’t working for me.  I used a ConfiForms IFTTT Integration Rules macro. 

Event onCreated

Choose Action to Perform - Send Notification

Subject for email message - Request Form Completed 

recipients. I used my email address 

sender [entry.createdBy]

All I need is it to send email notifying me a form was sent.


Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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August 4, 2022


First of all, "Send Notification" is not "Send email". This type of an action sends Confluence in-app notification

And it expects a username, not an email. Change the action to "Send email" as in tutorials.

also, please remove the "sender" parameter

and make sure the IFTTT macro is INSIDE the ConfiForms Form Definition macro


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August 4, 2022

Ok thanks, Alex. I Appreciate your help. Because of your advice, it's working now.

August 28, 2023

but how to extract email from createdBy or ownedBy? 


I have the following:


Form 1: informForm

Signer: user object 

Version: version number (text)


Form 2: signerForm

Version: smart dropdown from informForm.version

Decision: drop down


what I want to send an email from signerForm on the decision

I have the {], [] but that doesn't work for some reason, any idea why @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ 

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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August 28, 2023

createdBy is a User field ->

ownedBy is a User (multi) field -> ownedBy.transform(email).asList

August 28, 2023

hi @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ 

Both showing the id of the user rather the email, please note I am trying to extract the email of createdBy from form1 (informForm) within Form2 (signerForm)



Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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August 28, 2023


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August 28, 2023

THanks @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ it works! 

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