How to provide the status of Jira tickets in Confluence without including Jira clickable links

Vanessa Formigoni February 3, 2022

We created a dashboard with tickets that are created automatically after a user fill out a Google Form. But this dashboard displays the JIRA ticket with the possibility of the user clicking to go to the Jira ticket page, and we need to disable this clickable link so the user is only able to verify the status of the ticket.



We need this because all users have access to Confluence but not all have access to Jira.



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Pramodh M
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February 3, 2022

@Vanessa Formigoni 

Include Jira Issues Macro

Jira Issue.png


Vanessa Formigoni February 4, 2022

Thank you! I can already see the board but I need to disable the links so the Confluence users won't be able to click to go to Jira.

Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 12.44.23.png

Paula Levin September 12, 2023

I have a similar interest in sharing the status of tickets in a Confluence doc with people who don't have access to the Jira project. 

People with access to Jira, can see the link -- including status -- in the Confluence doc. 

But people without Jira access see the following:

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 10.45.27 PM.png

joris_monten_cegeka_com November 23, 2023

Did anyone found a solution for this 'issue'?
I'm having the same case

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