How to move a large amount of pages into another Confluence Space

Dominik Mlasko August 22, 2018


i don't know how to continue. I have to move around 5000 pages from one space to another space. 
Luckily all of these 5000 pages have the same root page. So i am able to select this page and move the page with all sub-pages to the new space.
Unfortunately the move command does not work with this amount of sub-pages. The operation crashes after a few minutes.

I also tried to use ScriptRunnners built-in script "Copy page tree". This script also does not work properly. 

Anyone have a clue how to get this huge amount of pages into the new space?

I already tried Scriptrunners Built-in Scripts "Copy page tree". This Script also does not work properly. After a long time it seems that the script crashes and because of the copy command instead of a move, I am not able to examine what pages are not copied to the new space.

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August 22, 2018

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