How to keep navigation within MS Teams when clicking on Confluence links?

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August 8, 2023

I want to create a Knowledge Base for our MS Team and I thought Confluence would be the best, but am having this annoying issue.  I think I successfully linked our Team with my Confluence account and I can add a tab showing the home page of our Knowledge Base.  The problem is that as soon as I try to open any Knowledge Base article, it gets opened in my web browser instead of staying within Teams, asking me to login and so on, which is not what I want team members to have to be doing.  Why is this happening?  How to fix it so navigating within the Knowledge Base stays inside MS Teams?


Update: Same thing happens in the MS Teams Android app... is this a Confluence issue or MS Teams issue?

2 answers

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Alexander Siedler
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January 19, 2024

I had the same issue and I just inserted the confluence page with the app "Website" inside of the teams and via this the user stays inside of the teams app when someone clicks on a link.

Not the perfect solution but a workaround until maybe the confluence cloud app has improved.

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Brant Schroeder
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November 28, 2023

@Chandler Welcome to the Atlassian community

I think that the MS Teams integration only allows you to view the page in MS teams.  Any links will take you to the application.  I believe that is how it is setup to work.  You can read more about the functionality here: 

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