How to find how many pages were added this year

Roi Haskel
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December 25, 2018



I'm trying to figure out how many pages were added to my website (BigCoreWiki) during the last year.


I found how to know how many pages I have in total, by using the Export option, but I'm not sure how to know if the page was created this year or not?




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Ollie Guan
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December 25, 2018

Hi @Roi Haskel,

In the page query function, you can add a filter to query the page created this year.


Roi Haskel
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
December 26, 2018

Hi - thanks for replaying.


Do you know how do I get to the page shown in your screen shot ?

I'm a bit new to the confluence system, and I'm not very familiar of where everything can be found.


Thanks again,


Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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December 26, 2018

Hi @Roi Haskel,

Here's an overview of Confluence search, and a few tips to help you find things more easily.

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