How to find all attachments locked using Cenote Lockpoint?

Logan Hawkes
March 19, 2024

I'm preparing to migrate a Confluence DataCenter (v7.19.20) instance to cloud. The instance has the Cenote Lockpoint app (v3.08) installed. The migration procedure recommends that all locks be removed prior to migration. In space administration you can see all locks on attachments in a given space, but I don't see a way to see all the locks system-wide. I would prefer not to check 600+ spaces one by one. Is there an easier way?

My best idea so far is to set a system-wide unlock value for 1 hour and wait for the system to unlock them. Is there a better way?

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Scott Dudley _Cenote_
March 19, 2024

Hi Logan,

I see that we should clarify our documentation a little bit. The general premise behind the migration is that locks themselves are not migrated (because the underlying files are moving targets anyway).

The only action that we suggest taking before the migration is to let users know that their locks will not be migrated, and to ask the users to check in all in-flight edits that they may be using. The emphasis here is on saving their edits, and whether or not the attachment remains locked after applying the edits is not important. The locks themselves are not migrated and their presence does not impact the migration in any way.

The only potential reason to remove the locks on the server might be to prevent emails from being sent out (long after the Cloud migration) informing people that their server-based attachments have been automatically unlocked.

There are two ways to deal with this latter issue:

1. Remove the general mail server from your Confluence Server configuration. You may want to do this anyway for other reasons, such as to stop the daily digest or other notifications from going out after the system becomes inactive.

2. Manually remove all of the locks. This can be done with a single database command. As with all manual database updates, we recommend doing so with the system shut down and  with a database backup handy. The SQL to remove all locks (Lockpoint 3.0+) is:


I hope this helps! Please let me know if we can do anything else to assist.

Scott @ Cenote

Logan Hawkes
March 20, 2024

That works. My concern was that the attachments might not get migrated or might become irrevocably locked. If the locks aren't migrated, no problem. 


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