How to fetch a column value of one cell into another cell

June 22, 2024

Dear All,


In a Confluence page, i have 2 TABs (Tabs page)

In the first TAB, i have a manually created Table where there is Column say 'Total' .. so for all the resources this value will be entered manually like 20, 15, 4 etc ..



Now, i have a Table Transformer in another TAB where i want this 'Total' column's value to auto populate from the first TAB .. like for each resource (Name) in this TAB, i have a separate Table and inside each Table i need to do a calculation using this 'Total' value ..

second Tab.jpg


In short, i need the Manually entered  'Total' value of a user in the first TAB .. to auto populate in the above Table (second TAB) of the same user in the cell 'Total value of User...'



'Total' 20  of 'User 1' of first TAB should automatically populate/display in the

'Total value of User 1' cell in the second TAB.


In program/coding, we use functions to call/refer a cell value ...or in an Excel we use ={cell name/number}  to be referred .. but in this scenario in Table Transformer SQL im not sure how to do the same ..


Please help ..





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Stiltsoft support
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June 23, 2024

Hi @Ramu ,

You may check this Community thread where we show how to "grab" cell contents using the column name and the row number with the help of the Table Transformer macro.

You may also take the Table Spreadsheet macro (for manually created tables) and Spreadsheet from Table (for macro generated tables, for example, Jira Issues macro) and refer to the cells from other spreadsheet tabs in Excel-like style.

June 26, 2024

Hey .. Thank you but Table Spreadsheet is not helping in my scenario .. and grabbing cell content is also still challenging ..


Anyway, the update is that i'm i touch with the Tech support on the same and going to find a solution soon (hopefully)

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