How to download a list of pages created in a space

Mariko Kawahara March 14, 2023

I would like to download a list of pages for a specific space. Can you tell me how to do this? Can you tell me how to do this?

2 answers

3 votes
Pramodh M
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March 14, 2023

Hi @Mariko Kawahara 

Welcome to the community 🙂

I believe it would be easier if you write a script

Python wrapper easily allows us to automate this

Here's the reference

First get the page id of all the pages you want to download and then export the pages

Let me know in case of further queries



Mariko Kawahara March 14, 2023

hi, @Pramodh M thank you for the solution. I don't have a skillset to do this, so I will try another method. Anyway, your quick response helped me a lot!

1 vote
Ollie Guan
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March 14, 2023

Hi @Mariko Kawahara ,

Besides the method mentioned by @Pramodh M , Insert the page tree macro gives you another option.

Mariko Kawahara March 14, 2023

hi @Ollie Guan thank you for your idea. I tried "inserting page tree macro" but I could not get the list of pages. I am now getting to understand that there is no option to be able to download a list of pages just by "clicking a download button."  

I want to manage confluence pages by page title for document organization. It would be great if I could download a list of page titles.  






Mariko Kawahara March 14, 2023


Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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March 15, 2023

Expand all and copy the list to excel



Mariko Kawahara March 15, 2023

@Ollie Guan  Thank you so much!! I could finally make a list on the excel sheet!!!

Mariko Kawahara March 15, 2023

@Ollie Guan It is impossible to do something as convenient as displaying only the pages you have starred, isn't is?

Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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March 15, 2023

No, I don't think this is a common operation , and macros already support this functionality.

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Mariko Kawahara March 15, 2023

@Ollie Guan Thank you for your knowledge and support!! I really appreciate it.

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