How to delete Confluence without deleting other Atlassian products or master account?

Patrina Mack
I'm New Here
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December 11, 2019

I've been paying for Confluence for nearly two years but the team has never used the product.  How do I delete Confluence without deleting my other Atlassian services or the master account?

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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 23, 2019

Hi Patrina,

Thanks for reaching out. You can manage each product subscription independently - removing Confluence for instance without affecting your Jira subscription.

You'll need to log in to as a Site Administrator for the site you want to manage, then:

  1. Choose the site you want to manage and click the View site bill button
  2. Select Manage Subscriptions on the left-side navigation menu.
  3. To add additional products, select Add More Atlassian Products. To remove an existing product, select the three dots next to Manage Users, followed by Delete. You'll be prompted to confirm the deletion of the product and its data.

Please note: Removing Products or Apps takes effect immediately and no credit or refund will be offered for removing applications or Apps early.


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