How to create sticky headers in tables?

Jenny Beamish
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December 7, 2018

Hi All -  I am having issues creating sticky headers in the tables I'm creating.  I have some pages where magically the header is sticky but other pages it is not.  I have tried the recommendation of creating a new 1x1 table and click and dragging the content.  I've tried copy and pasting my table with a sticky header to others but it is still not working.  Can you please advise on how to resolve?  I have table with several rows of information and it makes it difficult to read when the header row does not stick.


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Alexis Robert
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December 7, 2018

Hi @Jenny Beamish


if you're using Confluence Server , the headers will stick in view mode.

If you're using Confluence Cloud (also applies to Server), you can use the Table Filter and Charts addon, it has an option called Fit table to screen area that will keep headers visible when scrolling.

 Keep in mind that:

Table headers aren't sticky when your table:

  • Is inside a page layout, or inside another table.
  • Has no header row or there are cells in the top row that aren't marked as headers.
  • Has a header column, instead of a header row, and scrolls horizontally.
  • Contains another table, that has its own header row. 

Let me know if you have any questions, 



Jenny Beamish
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
December 7, 2018

Where do I find this Macro to fit table to screen areas?  There is no demo to walk through how to find this and the documentation is confusing

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