How to copy part of whiteboard and paste into confluence page

Cristian A Medina
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September 23, 2023

Hi!, I'm trying to paste part of whiteboard but when I do that, it paste as plain text


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Andy Gladstone
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September 23, 2023

@Cristian A Medina welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Can you explain what you mean by pasting part of a whiteboard? Are you simply CTRL-C, CTRL-V copying and pasting it? If so, you will only get the text as the whiteboard formatting is exclusive to the whiteboard page. 

You have two choices:

1. Take screenshot of the portion of the whiteboard you want pasted in and insert it as a picture on the page.

2. Use the link function to link the whiteboard directly in to the page.

Hope this helps!

Cristian A Medina
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September 25, 2023

Thanks @Andy Gladstone I found the feature works like you describe on  Organize and explore ideas with sticky notes | Confluence Whiteboards' Help Center ( (last article)

I will wait for a next feature that allows paste the selected image (not as text)

Nicky Ilsley
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August 6, 2024

Hi @Andy Gladstone can you tell me how to copy content from a locked whiteboard which i created, (its locked due to plan selected)

i need to copy whats on that board and place it in a confluence document as this is a team DoR and needs to be editable 

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