How to convert space template into global template?

Yashid Mohamed
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February 9, 2022

As an admin how can I convert a space template into a global template in Confluence cloud?


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Curt Holley
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February 9, 2022

Hi @Yashid Mohamed 

Welcome to the community.

To do this, simply copy the template (or page) [as in Ctrl-A followed by Ctrl-C] then (as long as you have the permissions to get there) go to Settings (the cog in the upper right of Confluence)/Global Templates and Blueprints and click "Create new page template". Paste the content and save.

Then delete the non global version, once you are satisfied all is in order.


If you do not have the access to get to Global Templates and Blueprints talk to your Confluence admin folk and they can do it for you.

Yashid Mohamed
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 10, 2022

Thanks, that works.

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Curt Holley
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February 10, 2022

Hey @Yashid Mohamed Glad to have helped.  If you could "Accept answer" that would be great. As it helps others with similar questions know that this answered your question.



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