How to convert dynamic excerpts to static text on a schedule for point-in-time reporting?

Bryan Guffey
Community Leader
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July 24, 2024

Hi all! Our Program Management team keeps track of the narrative progress of program in Confluence today. The way they do this is that they have a program dashboard they regularly update with the latest narrative information about the state of the program at any given time. This information changes regularly, at any time. 


Once a week, they generate a report across all programs or for all programs in a given business line, and the excerpts roll up into that report, which is accurate at the point in time which the meeting is taking place. 

However, once the source dashboards are updated again after the meeting, the report contains incorrect information because the excerpt include has updated, while the report was for a point in time. 


Ultimately, I'd love to get them into Work Management or JPD or using Goals, but we're still on Jira DC at the moment, so I need to solve for something in Confluence if at all possible. 


We have the MultiExcerpt Plugin, and it's what is in use on these pages. What I'd like to be able to do is, on a predefined schedule:

  1. Create the weekly meeting page with the multiexcerpt includes
  2. Create a second weekly meeting page that removes the includes
  3. Copy all the text from the multiexcerpt includes  in the first page into the same locations on the second page in order to create a static page
  4. Delete the first page, leaving the meeting page with static information in place. 


Does anyone have any idea on how I might do this? 

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Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
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July 25, 2024

@Bryan Guffey Before making the further updates, you could export the page to a PDF (I would include the date in the file name) and then attach/embed the PDF on the page so that people can access the previous versions when necessary.

Bryan Guffey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 25, 2024

@Barbara Szczesniak - the problem with using PDFs is that Confluence doesn't search inside PDFs so we lose that information. 

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