How to configure all Atlassian sites to use port 80

Christian Palacios August 14, 2018

Hi there,

We currently have Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, FishEye and Crowd all being hosted on one server, each accessible through a different port.  We want to configure all of these sites to be accessible through port 80 only.  So if we go to the Jira URL, such as, the server will know what site to bring up.  I am confused as to how to properly do this without affecting all of the sites since they are all on one server.  I did not set this server up and apparently I can't get any support from Atlassian for this type of set up.  Any help would be appreciated!  Please ask any questions.


2 answers

1 vote
Alexis Robert
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August 14, 2018

Hi @Christian Palacios


you will be able to achieve this by using a Proxy, such as Apache, to act as a intermediate between your users and your Atlassian products so that the users only need to access or


You can follow this documentation to get started.


Let me know if you have any questions, 



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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August 14, 2018

If they're on the same server, then they all must run on different ports.  Even if they were on different servers, the answer would be the same though - use a proxy.

A proxy can handle many domains landing in one place (or parts of a single domain, like http://us/jira, http://us/confluence etc) directing their content to be proxied over to the relevant service.

I usually use Apache (familiarity), but Nginx, Lighttpd and IIS can all act as proxies too.

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