How to change a sql server connection for Confluence

Rob Aronson August 13, 2018

We have version 6.1.2 connected to MS SQL server 2008 hosted on Suse Linux 11.4. I'd like to move the database to a MS SQL server 2016. Moving the data itself seems trivial, Finding the method of changing the database connection has felt like looking for the meaning of life. Is there a simple method to change the connection or should I give up and become a monk instead?


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 13, 2018

There's a couple of ways to do it, but I use brute force and go edit the config file directly.

Look in <confluence home> for confluence.cfg.xml - it's not long or hard to edit, and it is that one single place you need to edit.

Rob Aronson August 13, 2018

Thank you Nic. I saw that in other comments but can't for the life of me find the files. I must be losing it. 

The /opt/atlassian/confluence directory doesn't have it.  Nothing in the confluence subdirectory under that or under conf. I don't see it when I run lsof either. Do I need to stop tomcat to see the file?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 13, 2018

Where did you set Confluence home to be?  It must be in there for confluence to even start.

You don't need to stop Tomcat, it only reads the file as it starts Confluence.

Rob Aronson August 13, 2018

Thank you. It was running from a completely unexpected location.

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