How to change Header of the page if it's contains Jira issue link and this issue is not in Done

Елена Елена
April 20, 2023

Hello all,

I want to know if it's possible to make changes in Confluence page header.

Case: i added 2 links from Jira to Confluence. These are issue links, and one of them is not in Done status. 

So I want to have near Confluence page header "Hammer" emoji, e.g. 

If all issues have Done status, the Header emoji changes, for building emoji.


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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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May 14, 2023

Hi @Елена Елена ,

jira issue macro is something that retrieves tickets from jira on page loading so you have not chance to put in place something that change emojii in title dinamically.


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