How to add myself (super admin) to a page which viewing/editing is restricted?

Alex Bobrovski September 5, 2011


I'm a knowledge manager working with Confluence 3.5 with max permissions. So, I can see absolutely all the pages, but can't edited them if their viewing/editing is restricted. I often need it to make some fixes in someone's documentation.

I go to Space Administration > Restricted Page. But I can't add myself to a restriction list for a particular page.

So each time, I remove all the restrictions, than add them again + me. Finally, I can edit a page. It's too complicated.

Need your assistance.

3 answers

0 votes
Alex Bobrovski September 5, 2011

Users who are members of the 'confluence-administrators' group ('super-users') can view all pages regardless of the page restrictions. To be able to edit the page, you will need to remove the restriction from it first – go to Space Administration > Restricted Pages.


0 votes
September 5, 2011

If you hover over the padlock do you get a message?

Alex Bobrovski September 5, 2011

yes, I can see the popup message.

September 5, 2011

Are you a member of your confluence administrators group as you should be able to select the padlock and add yourself?

Alex Bobrovski September 5, 2011

no-one from our team can do that, it's quite strange.

Do you where this can be locked?

0 votes
September 5, 2011

I can add myself to a restricted page by going to Space Admin / restricted page. You then select the page by the name which takes you to it. Select the padlock key and add mysef.

This will be easier than removing all the restrictions.

Alex Bobrovski September 5, 2011

no, if I click this padlock, it doesn't open the window.

I can see all the pages, but if it's restricted, and I'm not in the list, the restriction window just doesn't appear.

Alex Bobrovski September 5, 2011

In Global Permissions I've got all the check-boxes checked next to my name.

<th class="permissionHeading" width="120"> </th><th class="permissionTab" width="88">Attach Files to User Profile</th><th class="permissionTab" width="88">Update User Status</th><th class="permissionTab" width="88">Personal Space</th><th class="permissionTab" width="88">Create Space(s)</th><th class="permissionTab" width="88">Confluence Administrator</th><th class="permissionTab" width="88">System Administrator</th>
can use

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