How to add a code block to an expand element within a table cell in new editing experience

Florian Storz April 1, 2020

When I add an expand element on a blank page it's working fine.
When I add a code block to the expand element it's also working fine.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-01 um 15.49.03.png

But when I want to do the step above within a table cell, it is not possible to place a code block within an expand element. The code block element is placed below the expand element.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-01 um 15.53.23.pngBildschirmfoto 2020-04-01 um 15.53.37.png

2 answers

1 vote
Florian Storz April 29, 2021

As the previous mentioned feature request was closed, but the relevant part for this question was not handled, the link to the new feature request is here.

0 votes
Florian Storz April 8, 2021

Hopefully this will be solved by this feature request 

Rakesh Sarangi
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May 24, 2022

Do not think it is solved yet. Still facing this issue

Sven Schäfer
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June 2, 2022

Can confirm this. Have the same problem.

Julia Rakitina
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September 14, 2022

Have same problem

Tazo Lezhava October 9, 2022

Same problem for me.

This is not ideal, but I found the following workaround (which will only work for specific cases). I used `Layouts`, where code macro inside expand macro works, so I put those on the right, and put 1xN table on the left, however you'd have to do this for every single row separately or hard-code your number of new lines.

I generated an example for for 2x3 table where last column is used for code blocks, here is the screenshot for a preview, hopefully it helps.

Screen Shot 2022-10-09 at 1.30.31 PM.png

Rahul Tiwari
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November 6, 2023

Facing the same issue @Florian Storz 

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