How to add Page Title, an Image and Date to the PDF export Header

Heather Millar June 18, 2015

I want to be able to seen an image then centered page title and the current date (if possible) in the header in an exported PDF, so far I can only ever see one of the image or the title; the code I'm using for image and title is;



@top-center {
content: element(runningheader);
.pagetitle h1 {
position: running(runningheader);
font-family: OpenSansRegular, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
@top-left {
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size:84px auto;
background-position:left center;
page-break-inside: avoid;

Haven't got as far as even looking at the date possibility yet....


3 answers

1 vote
Steffen Heller
Rising Star
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June 18, 2015


you are on the right track but there are some problems with your code that you should try to sort out to get predictable results:

  • you have 4 opening but only 3 closing curly brackets } so one of your definitions is not closed properly
  • all the @positionings (@top-left/center/right) must be within the @page definition, whereas the .pagetitle h1 must be outside of it. You mixed that order.
  • the background-image won't probably show at all when it is the only element within @top-left {...}

  • "background-size" is CSS3 and most probably not supported by Confluence
0 votes
Steffen Heller
Rising Star
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June 23, 2015

@Heather Millar

Still some problems:

  1. the image in @top-left doesn't show because it is the only element in @top-left (see point 3 of my original post)
  2. as a result of that the content of @top-center (your title) moves to the left when there is no content in @top-left

I think you are better off putting your background-image to the page as a whole.

The following is a very condensed version of your CSS that did work when I tried it:

@page {      
background-image: url(/download/attachments/{some_numbers}/{image-name}.png);    
background-repeat: no-repeat;    
background-position: top right; /*adapt position to your liking*/ 
@top-left {      
content: element(runningheader);        

.pagetitle h1 {    
position: running(runningheader);    
Christine Diamond May 22, 2017

Hi Steffen, re "the image in @top-left doesn't show because it is the only element in @top-left (see point 3 of my original post)"

Can you give an example of the syntax where the image url precedes the heading element in the top left?

Steffen Heller
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 23, 2017

As far as I remember, you can add something like

content: " ";

after the image.


0 votes
Heather Millar June 18, 2015

Hi Steffen,


Thanks for your Answer!  I have remedied some of this and now I am seeing the title - but @top-left not center, and now the title is there the image does not display - but it was fine when it was the only thing in the header.  I've copied the whole code below in case you can see where I may have still messed up (I am fairly new to CSS, so bear with me!)

.pagetitle h1 {
text-position:center center;
font-family: OpenSansRegular, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
/* Any @page-specific properties */
margin: .9in .5in; /* Sets the page area for content */
padding: 0em; /* override default that breaks @bottom alignment */
/* Note: @page-specific header/footer settings override Space PDF Layout header/footer settings.*/
/* @page-specific header settings */
/* This is a viable solution for having headers/footers in single page PDFs and space PDFs versus using PDF Layout Header (only space PDFs) but you have to put a background image in all the @top areas where you want the image to appear and size and position them using CSS background selectors. */

@top-left {
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position:left center;
page-break-inside: avoid;
@top-center {
@bottom-center {
font-family: OpenSansRegular, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
padding:15px 10px;
content: counter(page) " of " counter(pages) "\A
 © 2015 Pebble Beach Systems. All rights reserved. Company Registration No. 3944834. Pebble Beach Systems is a Vislink plc company";
#white-space:nowrap; /* single line for page info */
/* Any other @page-specific rules */


Genevie Lopez
I'm New Here
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March 2, 2016

Any luck with the current date? I'm trying to accomplish the same task as you. Where the current date of the export gets published on the title page. 

Heather Millar March 2, 2016

Hi, in the end it just didn't seem possible in the standard export, so we purchased the PDF Exporter Add On - this creates much better pdfs and gives you more options in the creation of them.

Hope that helps!

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Genevie Lopez
I'm New Here
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March 3, 2016

Thanks Heather,

I'll look in to the add on. 

Volker Weinreich May 17, 2019


look at the answer of @Steffen Heller from 27-04-15 here:

The only drawback is, you have to put a user macro with current date on the page you want to export..

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