How to Set Permissions and Restrictions for Document Control?

Jana Rasmussen March 26, 2021

I have a create a Policy Hub. Everyone in the organization needs access to VIEW all pages within the space.

Within the Policy Hub space, I have created a page for each team that will be the repository of their team-specific policies and procedures.  I need for that team to have access to Create additional pages in their own space and limit restrictions, if needed, to specific subteams within the larger team.  They should also be able to add comments and attachments as needed.  However, other teams should only have the right to view this teams set of pages and not to edit.

I have tried a variety of combinations of Space Permissions and Page Restrictions that I thought would work, only to find that someone who had the Permission to Add pages could do so in ALL team pages even though there were restrictions in place on that specific page.

Is there a way to do this that is simple and easy? What is the correct Space Permission for a group/team so they can do what they need to do on their own pages within the space but have it be View Only for everyone else? What Page restrictions do I set on the Parent Page so that all pages created under allow for one team to edit but other teams to view?

Here is an example of how I have played with Permissions for our Teams:


You can see that the Commercial Team has access to View all, add pages, etc (I updated to allow them to delete their own as well).  When the Space permissions for the Commercial Team were set like the Dev Team with "View" as the only option, the person trying to create a page within the space was unable to do so (of course because they didn't have permission to do so).  But with the ability to Add pages, even though I had set page restrictions on the Manufacturing Team parent page to only allow editing by the Manufacturing Team (and viewing by everyone else), she was still able to create a page under the Manufacturing Team parent page.

Here is an example of how I have set up Page Restrictions. I'm currently on the parent page titled Commercial Team P&P.  I have set the restrictions so that all the other teams can view and only the commercial team can edit (along with myself/admin). Why doesn't this restrict the other teams from editing on this and other parent pages?

2021-03-26 (2)_LI.jpg

Please help! It's beginning to drive me nuts! Haha!


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marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
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March 26, 2021

@Jana RasmussenSpaces, restrictions, and user groups can be tough.

If I understand your description and problems correctly.  You write "even though I had set page restrictions on the Manufacturing Team space...", I believe there might be a misconception.  As I understand, all pages are in the same space, and you have made certain pages parent pages to others.  If all pages are in the same space, restrictions apply to all pages in this space.

Jana Rasmussen March 26, 2021

That isn't how I understand page restrictions.

Space permissions apply to the whole space, yes.  But I have a page set up as the Manufacturing P&P Page (maybe I misspoke earlier and used the word Space when I meant page - I'll correct that)...  ON that Manufacturing P&P page, I have set page restrictions such that everyone can view but only the manufacturing team can edit.  But I have had an associate tell me that she can create child pages connected to the Manufacturing P&P page, which has a set restriction which should restrict her to just view it because she isn't a member of the Manufacturing Team who has editing allowed under page restrictions.  I hope that makes sense.

marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
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March 26, 2021

The edit restrictions only apply to the page itself, not to the creation (or editing and viewing) of child pages.  View restriction on the other hand, are inherited.

I believe in your situation you should consider using separate spaces.

Jana Rasmussen March 26, 2021

From what you are saying, if I have set a parent page to be view only by everyone, and editable by one team, then any child pages should inherit the view restriction.

from what I have read if I set a restriction on a parent page, that same restriction is supposed to apply to the child pages as well.  It HAS been working like that. So unless something has changed in Confluence Cloud recently that changed this aspect (and why?) then I am expecting to see that happen here... only it isn't.  And maybe I wasn't paying attention to view vs edit restrictions being inherited, so maybe I was only seeing viewing restrictions inherited.

I want one repository for all the policies and procedures, but they need to be separated by teams for organization sake.  I'll consider additional spaces or will stop trying to do anything with space permissions/page restrictions to help manage things. Thank you.

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