How to Import Word Document and split by heading Level 4,5... ?

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July 12, 2017


Currently, Confluence allow me to split by heading when import a Word Docuemnt as following:

  • Don't split
  • Level 1 Headigns
  • Level 2 Headings
  • Level 3 Headings

Then, the document that I need to import has Level 4, 5 and 6 of headings. So when I import to Confluence using Level 3, it doesn't split the headings correctly because is missing Level 4,5,6 from the Word document. So I want to choose at least 6 levels on confluence to see the file imported properly.

It's possible to add more level headings?



3 answers

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Константин Константин
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October 27, 2018

Hi, all!


So I have the same problem as Carlos described... is there any possibility to load WORD documents with more than three heading levels correctly?

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 30, 2018

Hi there,

You can see my latest reply now to Carlos above. I can confirm it's possible to split beyond level 3 in Confluence Server, but not in Cloud. I've created a feature request for Cloud.

Can you confirm if Cloud is the version you're working with, and if not, with which version are you having the issue?



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I'm New Here
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July 18, 2017

Hello Shannon

Thank you for you answer.

  1. I made a document to understand in a easy way what I want. I just create six different titles and marked each one as Heading 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.  See image:
  2. Then I do import from Confluence using the option "Import Word Docuement", and the dropdown to Split by Heading just display till Heading 3, and I want to split till heading 6. See image:
  3. This is how it looks when I imported the document with Heading 3. I want to split it in the same way but including Heading 4, 5 and 6. See image:


Let me know if this is clear for you.



kerensho August 21, 2018

Hi Carlos, Did you find any resolution for this issue?



Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 30, 2018

Hi Carlos,

Apologies that I didn't see your response which was posted as a separate answer on this thread.

I'm able to import in Confluence Server beyond level 3, and was able to confirm this in Confluence Server version 6.10.1.

In Confluence Cloud I can confirm it only works up to level 3.

I created a feature request for Confluence Cloud:

  • CONFCLOUD-64884 On Word Doc Import, ability to split headings beyond level 3

Can you let me know if you were having the issue on Cloud or Server, and if so, which version?



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Will Kim
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December 5, 2018

Can't wait til this is boatloads of shtuff to upload

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 17, 2017

Hi Carlos,

Can you please verify exactly what you're missing from the document? You said that you import using Level but you're missing 4, 5, and 6 from the Word document.

Can you outline what your document formatting looks like now so we can better understand the issue you're having? 

Kind Regards,


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