How params works in Atlassian connect staticContentMacros

Alberto Barón March 14, 2024

Hi all, 

I would like to ask a doubt related to Atlassian connect for confluence. I am new and I would like to understand how it works. 


I have a static content macro. When user calls the macro, it will appear a edition mode view with a select and some options. 


My atlassian-connect.json file is:

"modules": {
"staticContentMacros": [
"name": {
"value": "Static Macro (no editor)"
"description": {
"value": "Choose a sport"
"url": "/macro?sport={sport}",
"key": "static-sport-macro",
"categories": ["development"],
"parameters": [
"identifier": "sport",
"name": {
"value": "Favourite Sport"
"type": "enum",
"values": [
"nfl", "baseball", "basketball", "football", "golf", "tennis"



With that I have realized that I can see a enum select with those values in the editor macro. When it changes, it is said: 'changes autosaved..' but main view select value does not change and it should change.


For that reason, when I try to get the variable value in the JS file , comes blank.
The macro endpoints would render the view in this way:

var requestSport = req.param('sport');
res.render('macro/macro-view', {
sport: sport


It could be a problem related to Express versions... the way that I am getting the value from params... or is there anything that could help me to get the value selected in the enum selector?


Dependencies comes on this version:

"dependencies": {
"atlassian-connect-express": "^7.7.0",
"body-parser": "^1.14.2",
"compression": "^1.6.0",
"cookie-parser": "^1.4.0",
"errorhandler": "^1.4.2",
"express": "^4.18.1",
"express-hbs": "*",
"jugglingdb-sqlite3": "0.0.5",
"morgan": "^1.10.0",
"sequelize": "^6.21.4",
"static-expiry": ">=0.0.5"
"devDependencies": {
"ngrok": "^5.0.0-beta.2"




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Alberto Barón March 18, 2024

Problem was the dependencies version. 


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