How export in PDF a page with section macro in a PDF

beatrice KOLB
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April 25, 2024

I have a page with the macro section and columns.

When i export this page in PDF, the section are not kept on the PDF.

In my pdf template, some macros are defined , like status, code block, panel, but not section ou columns.

How can i add theses macros ?

Thanks for your help

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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April 25, 2024

PDF exports work differently depending on cloud vs data center, and what addons/macros you are using.  When I need a PDF export of a page I end up experimenting with changing up how I construct the page till I get something that works 'good enough'.  I rarely can use a page as is, you will need to test different macros to see which ones the PDF exporter will handle.

Not the best answer, and I wish you luck.

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