How does Hide option in excerpt plugin in Confluence cloud help?

Anand Rajaraman May 24, 2019

Under what scenario the hide option in excerpt plugin can help, Is there any example to assist?

2 answers

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Anand Rajaraman May 27, 2019

Hi @Shannon S ,

Just checked in my Confluence page and it worked out.



Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 27, 2019

Hi Anand,

Glad to hear you were able to get it to work out. If you run into any other issues with that please feel free to let me know!



0 votes
Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 27, 2019

Hello Anand,

Thank you for contacting us about this!

The option Hide Excerpted Content in the Excerpt Macro provides the following functionality:

Controls whether the page content contained in the Excerpt macro placeholder is displayed on the page.

Note that this option affects only the page that contains the Excerpt macro. It does not affect any pages where the content is reused.

That means that on the page with the Excerpt Macro you can hide the content within the Excerpt Macro. It will not hide content on any pages that are using the Excerpt Include Macro to display that information.

I hope that clarifies things for you! If you have any additional questions please feel free to let me know.



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