How do you set image size so they remain static and do not change when published?

Efleda Brophy
November 29, 2022

When editing a document, I select the image size that ensures image content is legible. However, when I publish the doc, image sizes change randomly. Those that take up only 1/4 of the full image size allowed, become full-sized images, so the fonts in the image appear 72 pts in size. Even when I try to make sure image sizes are consistent in a document, the published version may show some which remain the same size; and others, radically enlarged.

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Andy Gladstone
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November 29, 2022

@Efleda Brophy can you post a screen shot to help us troubleshoot? Maybe one of what you see in edit mode, and a second of how it looks when published?

Efleda Brophy
November 29, 2022

Here are some screen captures of figures before publication and then after publication.
Before: both sections are aligned and the same size

After: Top figure remained the same but the bottom expanded image.png

Before: Both figures are the same size2022-11-28 Understanding the Daily & Wkend Scheds of HS - 62.png


After: top figure expanded a lot; bottom, just a little (I'm going by their positions and sizes in relation to the text above.2022-11-28 Understanding the Daily & Wkend Scheds of HS - 62a.png

Efleda Brophy
December 1, 2022

Before publication. Note size compared to text above the figure.

2022-12-01 Understanding the Daily & Wkend Scheds of HS - 64.png


After publication, the same figure expands to fill the width of the cell.

2022-12-01 Understanding the Daily & Wkend Scheds of HS - 64a.png

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