How do page level permissions work, will pages display when listing pages?

Shazia Sheikh
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October 1, 2011

If a user has view permissions for a space, then can view all content but not edit etc.

Now if a particular page has permissions such that someone who isn't a particular group cannot view it, will it still display the page's title when viewing the space, or will it hide it also? I'm sure if you click on the link it won't let you view the page's content, but I'm asking if it will show the page link anywhere on the site also.

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Laura Kolker
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October 3, 2011

Generally speaking, Confluence hides the existance of pages you don't have view access to. If you are on a page directly linking to a page you don't have access to, the link will not be clickable and looks different. Here's some more details.

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