How do I upload an attachment within the new meeting notes template format

Rumi Matsuyama
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November 5, 2018

The new "meeting notes template" doesn't allow me to upload an attachment on the fly and even when I upload an attachment beforehand in order to link to it from within the meeting notes, I can't select my attachment from the dropdown.  It's a pain in the ass. 

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Atlassian Team
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November 6, 2018

Hi there, Rumi.

I would like to understand a little better on the challenge you are facing with the new Meeting Notes template. As you mentioned, it does not allow you to upload attachment on the fly. Are you referring to the usage of macro via backslash that requires you to publish the meeting notes first before uploading the content?

Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 12.43.57.png


Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 12.48.08.png

The browse for files only works after the notes are published. Can you please confirm on this? Thanks.

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