How do I setup MySQL tables with InnoDB?

Henrik Winther Jensen
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August 10, 2011

I have been trying to install Confluence 3.5.9 on Kubunu 10.04, the war variant with a Tomcat 6.0.26. Java is 1.6.0_06_b02.

When I am going through the wizard, it suggest a URL to start the MySQL session that contains this:


MySQL does not much care for the %3D bit, and the database setup crashes.

I have tried setting up MySQL with query logging, and replacing the %3D with =. Unfortunately this does not result

in InnoDB tables, MySQL just sticks to the default MYISAM. The setup does not crash though.

If I try to start confluence with MyISAM tables it immediately bombs out with an exception.

Does anybody have a clue about this?

Kind regards


1 answer

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Jens Gombert August 10, 2011

Confluence need InnoDB since 3.5 or somethink like this. See the release notes.

For your MySQL Server have a look at 2.4 in this guide:

If you have a DB you want to use update the tables to InnoDB.

Not sure if this is the right answer...

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