How do I remove the username of a deactiveted user in Confluence when on a created page by this user

Micha August 14, 2018

We de-activated a user in our Confluence 6.2.3 environment. On a page created by this user we see Unknown User, but behind it we still see the username. We would like to change this/delete this. This is because we don't want people in our organisation to ask for this user anymore. How do we do this?



2 answers

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Erica Cunningham August 14, 2018

Just as an option, we created a code to have a name removed from a space so we wouldn't get the Unknown user showing. Go to Space tools > stylesheet 

Replace "NAMEHERE" with the user name.

#com-atlassian-confluence .page-metadata-modification-info .confluence-userlink[data-username="NAMEHERE"]{



This is what the top of the page will look like:


If they created the page it just skips putting a name, and show who last updated, etc...


Additionally, if you have permissions, you can do this at the Global level so the name will remove from all spaces if they were involved in multiple spaces, go to the Confluence admin console under Look and Feel > Stylesheet.

Micha August 16, 2018

Thank you Erica, we will try to do so. After that I will accept the answer.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 14, 2018


You have to remove user/delete account from users lists in user management

Micha August 16, 2018

Doesn't this delete the created content by this user as well?

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