How do I get the JIRA RAG Status in Confluence

Colin Twitchett October 8, 2023


I want to show the JIRA RAG status in Confluence.

How can I show this using the colour marker so it auto updates when JIRA changes?


thanks Colin

 Screenshot 2023-10-09 101416 4.png 

2 answers

1 vote
Varsha Joshi
Community Leader
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October 9, 2023

You could also add a tag - by typing /status - giving it a label and pick a color to go with the status.

0 votes
Judd Garratt - Path of Trees
Atlassian Partner
October 8, 2023

Hi Colin,

If you're looking to show a Jira issue, including its status, in Confluence, this can be done with the Jira macro.

1. Add a Jira macro to the page

You can type /jira into the editor and select the Jira macro from the list.

Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 12.53.01 pm.png

2. Search for the issue

The easiest way to do this is to search on the issue key itself, e.g.

Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 12.55.08 pm.png

This will add a dynamic link to the Jira issue, which will automatically update when the summary or status changes.

Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 12.55.20 pm.png

Feel free to reach out if you need any more help :)

Colin Twitchett October 10, 2023

Thanks Judd ...i have this for other areas of the report. I really just wanted the RAG status to be a coloured icon that is auto updated when the JIRA epic/story RAG is updated.

Judd Garratt - Path of Trees
Atlassian Partner
October 11, 2023

That makes sense Colin. I'm not aware of a way to do this currently, but it's an interesting use case that intuitively Confluence should support. I'll keep my ear out for any solutions.

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