How do I get space header and footer via Rest API?

Paula Cristina Vaz November 21, 2018


We are linking spaces in header so that users can locate themselves in the space tree.

I want to use these links in a python script to automatically build a space tree diagram using plantuml. 

How can I get space headers via rest api?

Thanks in advance.


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Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 27, 2018

Hello Paula,

Using the Confluence API to update and get data can be extremely useful. The REST API does have some limitations in regards to what it has access to within the application. With this said, the API does not have a request to GET/PUT space sidebar, header and footer information. To see all of the available requests from the REST API within Confluence, please see the REST API Space documentation.

If you feel this functionality should be a feature within Confluence, we would suggest you create a feature request explaining the use cases and why it would be important. To Create a feature request, select your product and suggestion. Fill out all of the available requested information to ensure there is enough detail to understand what you are wanting to accomplish. If you do decide to create a feature request, please link it back to this post so other may find your request.

I hope this helps and clarifies the capabilities of the REST API for Confluence.

Stephen Sifers

Paula Cristina Vaz November 28, 2018

Thanks Stephen.

Confluence seems like a good tool, but it also seems incomplete. You can use it as a sophisticated notebook, but when you try to do some automation or more complicated things, functionality is missing. In my company we are around 3000 people using confluence. It is impossible to have some governance over confluence spaces without some automation. :-)

Paula Cristina Vaz November 28, 2018

Also... why did you disable the wiki editor? It is so much easier to edit plain text. 

At least let us edit html.

Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 28, 2018

Hello again Paula,

While access to the header/footer/sidebar are not an available feature. There are multiple marketplace place add-ons which allow you gain access to the header/footer/sidebar. Here is a marketplace search for those add-ons. These add-ons will also allow for additional automation opportunities.

As far as the wiki editor being removed, there is a blog post available which covers your concerns. You can find the blogpost at Why We Removed the Wiki Markup Editor.

I hope this helps in your quest to ease life with automation.

Stephen Sifers

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